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Fix your RV wardrobe storage problems with a capsule wardrobe!

Do you want to look fashionable, but find yourself limited with the amount of RV wardrobe storage space that you have?

Me too.

When we moved into our teeny tiny caravan, I ended up with 3 small cabinets and half of the hanging space, which amounts to about 5 hangers. (I wish I were kidding!)

We culled our clothes back to only the things we loved or really needed.

But even then, we have too many clothes that just aren’t getting worn. (they either don’t go with each other, or they’re stuffed so far back under the bed that we don’t even know we have them.

I’m finding that I’m wearing the same clothes over and over again; and I’m getting a bit bored of them.

And I hate to admit it, but I don’t look very stylish either.

Not at all.

With our RV wardrobe storage being so minimal, I can’t afford to just buy new clothes without having a bit of a plan for what I’m going to buy.

So I’m finally getting on the capsule wardrobe bandwagon.

Are you thinking about fixing your RV wardrobe storage problems with a capsule wardrobe?

What is a capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of a few essential items of clothing that don’t go out of fashion, such as skirts, trousers, and coats, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces. Wikipedia

How a capsule wardrobe solves your RV wardrobe storage problems

It’s great for an RVer because it limits the amount of clothing you have, while making the most of every piece that you own. All pieces should be able to be paired with multiple other pieces of clothing that you own.

I think the beauty of a capsule wardrobe is that it forces you to carefully curate your clothing choices; ensuring you pick pieces you love, will wear on multiple occasions and pieces that pair well with the rest of your wardrobe.

How to create a capsule wardrobe

Choose your color palette

Decide on the your base color palette; whether that’s going to be black  / brown / beige / grey /navy / white or a combination of a couple of those.

I’m going with black, since 70% of my clothes are black already! With some grey thrown in.

Now choose a couple of accent colors to add vibrancy.

Your complexion and hair color will likely factor into this choice. You already know best, which colors suit you (or others have commented) so it’s likely you have a few pieces of clothing in those shades already.

I’ve got a couple of dusty pink things so I’m going to stick with those.

Consider your body shape

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m the opposite of fashionable, and not exactly stylish either.

A lot of that has to do with the amount of weight I’ve put on in the last 10 years, my body confidence has taken a bit of a dive and all that stuff.

I’m not going into why being ashamed of your body is a waste of time. I’ll just say, that I’m working on being the best ME that I can be.

At this size.

I’ll do what I know I must to be healthy and all that, but part of being healthy involves loving me now, at whatever size.


Many of the capsule wardrobe helps I’ve found online tell me about the skinny jeans, A-line skirt and pair of high heels needed to complete my wardrobe.

But we all know that this has to be collection of clothes that suits our own lifestyle, budget and body shape.

So take heed of the recommendations you read online, but adjust it to fit you and your body.

Stick to the classics / timeless pieces

These basics of your wardrobe should be timeless pieces, rather than trendy.

Good quality fabrics

I’ve always been the type of person that will buy the cheapest version of something.

However, experience has finally taught me that this is so often not worth while. Especially when it comes to clothes.

With this wardrobe I intend to buy good quality pieces that are well made. Not necessarily the cheapest, but quality pieces that should last me well, even with lots of washes.

One capsule for each season

There are lots of different ways of doing a capsule wardrobe.

I’ve seen others that have a capsule for different areas of their life; for example: a workout capsule, a lounging capsule, a going out capsule, a work wear capsule.

My life is very simple so I’m just going to have a Cold Weather capsule and a Hot Weather capsule.

What MY capsule wardrobe will consist of

It’s funny, in researching how to start my capsule wardrobe, I realise that many people start one because they have too many clothes to choose from.

That’s not my problem.

I don’t have enough! But I want to be mindful about this process and buy clothes that I love and that I’ll get a lot of wear out of.

I’m giving you my example, just so you can see what I’ve done.

You change it up to suit you though.

Below are affiliate links to each of the clothing items on Please see our disclosure for more information.

I put them there so you can see what I’m talking about. I already have some of the items (about half of them) and the other half are the items that I would like to get.


Winter here in Australia is mild. On a particularly cold day we’d get down to 0°C (32°F) but that’s early in the morning and as soon as the sun comes up, it warms up.

So what I have below would not be enough warm clothes for many of you, probably only suitable for autumn?

But it will give you an idea of how this works (and it’s forcing me to curate my wardrobe, which I’m happy about!)


5 tops – 2 x black tee, grey long sleeve tee, white blouse, maroon top


3 pants -black pants, blue jeans, grey jeans


Just one black dress for just-in-case. (It’s now spring here in Australia, and I didn’t wear the dress once this winter. Probably should get out more. :-O)

Outer Wear

Pink cardigan, grey cardigan, b

lack jacket

Workout/Outdoor Wear

Yoga/track pants, leggings, three quarter pants, 2 t-shirts, one sweatshirt



And that’s it for my winter capsule! (Oh, plus some pretty scarves and a woolie hat :-))


I find I need more clothes in summer. Instead of clothes getting a couple of days wear before needing to be washed, in the summer each item is just worn once and then goes in the laundry.


5 tops – 2 x tank tops, white blouse, maroon top, blue top, cambray shirt



Blue jeans, jean skirt, jean shorts, black cargo shorts


3 dresses – as light and loose as possible

Outer Wear


Workout/Outdoor Wear

The same as in winter.
Yoga/track pants, leggings, three quarter pants, 2 t-shirts, one sweatshirt



So, as you can see, I have quite a limited wardrobe but it’s perfect (I think) for me considering my RV wardrobe storage limitations.

Would you (or have you) considered a capsule wardrobe before?